Great Spirit
Great Spirit, we give thanks, we give thanks for allWe give thanks for Mother Earth and Father Sun,For the four leggeds who walk with us
For the winged ones and many legged ones who beautify our lifeFor the thunder beings who bring the rainFor the cloud beings who paint our skies
For all who cross our path in our daily walkGitchie Manitou, may we always rememberwhere we have come from and where we are going.May we always remember that we are all part of the Creator.And, as aspects of the Creator, we are all one.
Wanisi do.
Now ... It's up to you and me - us.
More thoughts ...
Be the Eye of the StormBe the ever expanding Eye of the StormEverything is consciousness.Matter is illusion.What we "see" is what we get.Consciousness is energy influenced by thought, intention.We can take the game by the power of our consciousness.Realize that our programming keeps "them" in control.We are fueling the matrix with the power of our programmed consciousness.We do control our consciousness.We ARE sovereign or we yield our sovereignty to others. Our choice.We can use negativity consciously. We can turn it. Turn scary things around.See things in their beauty and splendor rather than as being destroyed.Visualize earth healed, in all her beauty, splendor and abundance.See ourselves as free, sovereign and loving.See what we wish to see, not the ongoing destruction others want us to see.
And More thoughts ***********************************************************
We are spiritual beings having physical experiences.We are all related. We are all connected.Separation is but an illusion.Love raises energy levels.Sometimes it seems easier to love an enemy than to love a friend.In theory, to love another is to desire their highest good.In action, to love another is to allow them to be and do whatever they choose
whether we like it or not. Thoughts are things. Mind is the builder. We train the mind.We create our own destiny. We are our destiny.Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.To have peace, be peaceful.Love is Light.Truth makes us free.Change can be chaos or progress. It is our choice.Chaos is organized or disorganized.Fear, anger, doubt are stumbling blocks which may be turned into stepping stones.The easiest way to change another is to change myself.Sometimes the easiest way around an obstacle is to go right through the middle. If I think I can't, I'm right. If I think I can, I'm right.
Wanisi do.